1. You have to get suuuuper close to the mirror to apply your makeup right
You don’t play any musical instruments, but you’d argue that the sound of your makeup brushes hitting off the mirror is melodious indeed.
2. Getting streaks of mascara all over the lenses
3. Foundation gunk ALL over the bridge
4. Lens flare
The ruin of many a good photo. But just taking them off is rarely an option, because…
5. Nose splotches
6. Ruining many a first impression due to fogged-up lenses
Cold weather, warm weather, wearing a scarf, sipping a hot drink, and cooking are just five of the many, many ways you can fog up your glasses. Fun fun!
7. Spending a significant amount of time on eye makeup, only to conceal it with your glasses
But glasses look fab with good lipstick, so it all evens out.
8. Casually ripping out all of your hair
9. Not being able to see when attempting to shave your legs in the shower
So you must go by feel. And this mostly works, except when you miss almost all of your right calf.
10. Big frames covering up ugly eyebrow days, but also concealing good ones
I didn’t put in all this work getting them on fleek for nothing, for god’s sake.
11. Not feeling ‘done up’ unless you’re wearing contacts
It’s impossible to pull off full glitz with glasses. Just ask Kate Winslet there.
12. And Hollywood telling you that as soon as you take off your glasses, you’ll be a regulation hottie
Oh my god, look at her! She’s uncrecognisable. *rolls eyes forever*
We’re gorgeous with or without our glasses, tnx.
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